How To: Troubleshoot Google Chrome (Android Phone)

Please follow the instructions below to check the settings in your Chrome web browser to address the ad block message being displayed on a Publisher's website.

  • Open a new Chrome window on your Android model smartphone.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click "" and then click "⚙️ Settings" at the bottom of the list.
    • Under the "Basics" header, find and click "Privacy and security".
      • Under the "Privacy" header, find and click "Third-party cookies".
        • Under "Exceptions" click "+ Add site exception".
          • Type in the URL of the website without https:// or www. at the beginning of the URL or anything after the domain (.com, .net, etc.). Now click “Add”. Please confirm that the URL of the website is now listed under in the list under "Exceptions".
        • Hit the back arrow () at the top to the left of 'Third-party cookies"
      • Under the "Security" header, find and click "Safe Browing" and make sure that "Standard protection" is selected.
        • Please Be Aware: If you have "Enhanced protection" selected here, this WILL cause the ad block message to be displayed on websites.
  • In the upper right corner of the screen, click "" and then click "" at very end of the icons in the top row to refresh the page.


Coming Soon


  • Instructions for Chrome on Computer
  • Instructions for Chome on Android tablets (Coming Soon)
  • Instructions for Chrome on iPhone (Coming Soon)
  • Instructions for Chrome on iPad (Coming Soon)