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Transact Invoicing Terms

Summary of Admiral invoice terms used for Transact modules (Subscriptions, Donations, and One-Time visitor payments).

The following Transact line item detail will be provided effective Jan 2024 invoicing:
Monthly Subscription Revenue and Commission
  • Gross Subscription Revenue: Total amount collected from subscribers for monthly subscriptions in the invoice period.
  • Subscriber Refunds: Refunds to customers in the invoice period which may include refunds for prior periods.  This amount is a deduction.
  • Subscriber Refund Failures: Attempted but failed refunds in any period with funds returned in the invoice period.  This amount is a credit.
  • New Disputes - Gross Subscription Revenue: Chargebacks from subscribers in the invoice period.  This amount is a deduction.
  • Won Disputes - Gross Subscription Revenue: Cardholder's bank arbitration ruled in our favor and the previously deducted amount was returned.  This amount is a credit.
  • Commission to Admiral: Admiral commission based on the net of all of the above.
Credit Card Passthrough Processing Fees
  • Gross Subs Rev - Passthrough CC Fees: Fees for "Gross Subscription Revenue" above, according to the rate table below.
  • New Disputes - Passthrough CC Fees: Each chargeback incurs a $15 fee from the credit card processor.
  • Won Disputes - Passthrough CC Fees: Chargeback fees are refunded if the arbiter rules is in our favor.


Stripe Rates for <$10.00 USD and >$10.00 USD