Journey Optimization

With Visitor Segments, you can analyze visitor behavior to tailor and optimize engagement strategy.

In our Collect first-party data in an Admiral engage guide, we walked through how to begin collecting first-party data from your visitors. In this guide, we'll segment your visitors, analyze usage, and then tailor visitor experience to increase conversions.

Step 1 of 5: Create visitor data for Platform

Let’s begin by creating a Visitor Data field to store what gaming platform our visitors use.

  1. In Sidebar, go to VisitorsVisitor Data.

  2. At the top-right, click Add Visitor Data.

  3. For Label, Description, Label Note, Description Note, input Platform.

  4. For Key, input platform. This is an arbitrary identifier for this data point which is used when accessing this data from the API.

  5. For Select a data type, select Set.

  6. Toggle Editable by visitor to On.

  7. Click Save Visitor Data.

Step 2 of 5: Create visitor segment for PC gamers

Next, let's create a visitor segment for PC gamers.

  1. In Sidebar, go to VisitorsVisitor Segments.

  2. At the top-right, click Create Visitor Segment.

  3. For Visitor Segment Name and Visitor Segment Description, input PC Gamers.

  4. For Segment Label, input pc-gamers.

  5. Click + Select Targeting Criteria and select Visitor Data. In the Select visitor data dropdown, select Platform. Then, for Choose an evaluation type, select Equals. For value, type PC.

  6. Click Create Visitor Segment.

Step 3 of 5: Create visitor segment for console gamers

Next, let’s create a visitor segment for console gamers.

  1. In Sidebar, go to VisitorsVisitor Segments.

  2. At the top-right, click Create Visitor Segment.

  3. For Visitor Segment Name and Visitor Segment Description, input Console Gamers.

  4. For Segment Label, input console-gamers.

  5. Click + Select Targeting Criteria and select Visitor Data. In the Select visitor data dropdown, select Platform. Then, for Choose an evaluation type, select Equals. For value, type PlayStation.

  6. Click OR and for Select visitor data dropdown, select Platform. Then, for Choose an evaluation type, select Equals. For value, type Xbox.

  7. Click OR and for Select visitor data dropdown, select Platform. Then, for Choose an evaluation type, select Equals. For value, type Nintendo.

  8. Click Create Visitor Segment.

Step 4 of 5: Examine conversions by visitor segments

Next, let’s take a look at journey conversions per segment.

  1. In Sidebar, go to AnalyticsJourneys.

  2. At the top, click All Journeys and select Journey Optimization.

  3. As your journey engages visitors, this page will display analytics such as total engagements, conversion rate, dismissal rate, and refresh rate. You can even examine these metrics per visitor segment. Let’s do that now. At the top-right, click Filters. Click Visitor Segment. Click PC Gamers. Click Apply.

  4. The analytics will update to show journey conversion data for your PC Gamers segment. Let’s take a look now at Console Gamers. At the top-right, click Filters. Click Visitor Segment. Click Console Gamers. Click Apply.

  5. Since our current generic journey touts the benefit of downloadable mods—a perk that is relevant to PC gamers—you might notice the conversion rate of your PC Gamers segment is higher than your Console Gamers segment. To maximize performance across all your segments, we can create tailored journeys per segment.

Step 5 of 5: Tailor journeys to increase conversions

Lastly, let’s create a tailored journey for each segment.

  1. In Sidebar, go to AnalyticsJourneys.

  2. Find Journey Optimization on the list and click the “…” icon then select Duplicate.

  3. Find Journey Optimization (Copy) on the list and click into it.

  4. At the top-right, click the three blue dots and select Edit Settings.

  5. Change Journey Name to Tailored Journey for Console Gamers.

  6. Click Save Journey.

  7. Click the three blue dots at the top-right and select Edit Targeting.

  8. Click + Select Targeting Criteria and select Visitor Segment. Click Any Visitor Segment and select Console Gamers. Click Save Targeting Criteria.

  9. Click the three blue dots on the engage and select Edit to open the Engage Editor. In the Message tab, update Engage Body Main Message to With VIP membership, you'll get unlimited access to all our premium content including our exclusive Consoleverse forums and console accessories database!

  10. At the top-right, click Save.

  11. You can now update the original Journey Optimization journey to target PC Gamers segment and further hone it’s messaging to appeal to PC gamers to maximize conversions for that segment.
