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GPP Implementation

An explanation of GPP implementation deadlines and how to configure GPP in your Admiral account.


Admiral's Consent Management Platform (CMP) now supports the Global Privacy Platform (GPP), the next generation privacy API. This article will cover deadlines for adoption of GPP as well as the steps you must take to go live with GPP. 


GPP Deadlines

Publishers using Admiral's Consent CMP for CCPA: you must switch to the GPP framework by September 30th, 2023.

Publishers currently using Admiral's Consent CMP for GDPR exclusively: you can implement the GPP update, but you are not required to do so before the 9/30 deadline. While we expect a deadline to be provided in the future, there is currently not a set deadline for addressing GDPR (TCF) with GPP.


GPP Implementation: Finding the Interactive GPP Checklist in your Admiral Dashboard

Follow the instructions below to find your interactive GPP implementation checklist in your Admiral property dashboard. 

  1. Click on Privacy & Consent - United States.
    • If you'll be required to update your CMP for GPP you will see a notification from Admiral when you log into your account and navigate to the Privacy & Consent (sub-section, United States) area of the dashboard.
  2. Click on "Start your GPP implementation here"



GPP Implementation Steps: Going Live with GPP

Now that you've found the interactive GPP checklist, you will MARK AS DONE after completing each step. 

  1. Verify GPP support with your vendors
  2. Sign the Multi-State Privacy Agreement (MSPA)
    • The agreement is found here. You can also read additional information about the MSPA here.
  3. Update your Privacy Policy
  4. Configure VRMbot
    • Click on to the VRMbot tab in your property dashboard. 
  5. Configure the GPP in Admiral
  6. Install the GPP-compatible tag
    • After you configure GPP in your Admiral dashboard, your Admiral install tag script will change. The tag in the Install section of the property's dashboard will have the updated tag script. You will need to replace this new script with the existing script on your site.
  7. Verity GPP installation




How does GPP relate to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)? 

If a publisher has GPP enabled, it will include CCPA compliance. However, if a publisher only has CCPA compliance, it will only cover California and not other states.


Is there a deadline for implementing GPP? 

There is no current deadline for implementing GPP if a publisher is only live with GDPR CMP. However, if a publisher is currently complying with CCPA, they must switch over to GPP by September 30, 2023. 


Can vendors access GDPR consent information through GPP? 

Yes, GDPR consent information can be accessed through GPP, but vendors may also continue to look at both the TCF API directly and GPP. 


Is there flexibility in the MSPA agreement for GPP? 

No, there is no flexibility in the MSPA agreement for GPP. Publishers will need to sign a new agreement that lays out what they are allowed and not allowed to do, and how they are expected to comply with it. 



List of Terms: 

GPP (Global Privacy Platform): framework created by the International Advertising Bureau (IAB) to help publishers comply with various privacy laws, including GDPR and state-specific laws in the US. 

CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): a state law in California that gives California residents certain rights regarding their personal information collected by businesses.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union (EU).